CNDE Laravel


Structured Materials for Imaging

Metamaterials-based Ultrasonic/Acoustic imaging & sensors

The CNDE group has been a leader in the field of employing meta-crystals and meta-materials for realizing extraordinary properties in imaging, vibration damping and mode filtering. This sub-theme will take a leap forward from these efforts, to achieve next generation sensing and device capabilities. In keeping with the goals of NDE 5.0, this sub-theme will explore technologies that can be integrated and embedded into structural members, such that self-sensing and self-warning capabilities can be in-built into them. Topological devices such as material-contrast and step-change lenses will be explored for integration into structural and machine elements, such that using passive excitation consisting of random external vibrations, local defect generation events can be flagged for immediate attention soon after a threshold indication. This process requires studying mechanical filtering mechanisms such that coherent information can be extracted from such random excitations. Once extracted, the signals will trigger an alarm through excitation of electromagnetic indicators for remote logging. The other broad topic that will be studied under this sub-theme, is that of metamaterial-based material sensors for online materials characterization. For example, integration of metamaterial layers into the walls of sensitive locations such as fuel or water tanks will be explored such that the level of toxic/ unwanted contaminants can be self-monitored, triggering an alarm beyond a threshold. Another example is the incorporation of metamaterial ridges into piping, wiring and cabling to achieve self-sensing and self-warning using passive random excitation, while embedded bandgap layers for blocking vibration and seismic disturbances is the other topic to be studied. These topics also contribute to the overall NDE 5.0 theme of ‘ubiquitous and distributed sensing and mitigation’