Period Agency Topic Status
1990 - 1992 National Science Foundation, USA Ultrasonic Imaging of Composites Completed
1992 - 1993 Mississippi State University Development of a Real-time Laser Ultrasonic System Completed
1992 - 1995 National Science Foundation, USA Phase II - Composite Material Cluster - Non-Destructive Imaging Studies Completed
1993 - 1994 Mississippi State University, USA Exploration of Laser Ultrasonic Methods Completed
1993 - 1995 United States Geological Survey, USA Development of an Ultrasonic Cavitation Assisted Technique for Cleaning Contaminated Water Completed
1993 - 1995 National Science Foundation, USA Systemic Initiative - Travel Grant Completed
1994 - 1995 US Department of Energy Laser Ultrasound Based Viscosity Sensor-Development Completed
1995 - 1998 US Environment Protection Agency Ultrasonic Enhancement of the Removal of Heavy Metals Completed
1995 - 1998 US Department of Energy Viscosity Sensor-Development and Testing - Product Development Completed
1995 - 1998 National Science Foundation, USA Ultrasonic Evaluation of Composite Fabrication Process Completed
1996 - 1998 US Department of Energy and Westinghouse Savannah River Center Ultrasonic Treatment of Sludge and Slurries Completed
1998 - 1999 US Army Corp of Engineers -Waterways Experiment Station Embedded Fiber Optic Sensors for Monitoring the Strain in Concrete at Early Times Completed
1999 - 2000 Lockheed Martin Idaho Technologies Corp/INEEL, USA Acoustic Emission for Wood Structures Completed
2000 - 2000 Caterpillar Inc., USA Unique NDE techniques for Crankshaft Coating Development Completed
1999 - 1999 US Department of Energy Guided Wave Technology for Inspection of Container Walls Completed
2001 - 2001 General Electric Corporation, India Evaluation of Cable Integrity Completed
2001 - 2002 Armament Research and Development Establishment, India Development of a Technique for Assessment of tubular composite structures. Completed
2001 - 2003 Indian Space Research Organisation Sizing of Tight Cracks in Thin Weldments Completed
2001 - 2004 Aeronautical Development Agency, Bangalore Structural Health Monitoring using Ultrasonic Guided Waves Completed
2002 - 2003 US Air Force Research Laboratory, USA Development of a Stress Gradient Profiler for Metallic Component Using Ultrasonic Guided Wave Inversion Completed
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