National Consortium For Non-Destructive Evaluation (NCNDE)

NCNDE was established in November 2024 under CNDE to promote collaborative research in Nondestructive Imaging & Evaluation, Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), and Online process parameter measurements.

The NCNDE aims to tackle the real-world challenges that stakeholders face in non-destructive evaluation (NDE) and structural health monitoring (SHM) through collaborative research and creating top-tier resources for NDE. The Major benefits of NCNDE to the members are the following

  • Collaborative research reduces research costs by allowing multiple parties to share their investments.
  • Industry-focused research driven by the management board of the consortium
  • Engaging industries in the early stages of research facilitates the testing of technology in real-world environments.
  • Reduction in research cycle time due to inputs at various stages of technology development.
  • Accessing cross-industry & cross-platform technologies.
  • Likelihood of successfully transitioning to a commercial product.
  • Enhanced understanding of risks and regulatory requirements at the project’s early stage.
  • The members of the consortium are open to recruiting top talent from CNDE.

NCNDE is dedicated to advancing technologies that are at the early, mid, or low stages of the Technology Readiness Level (TRL) and transitioning them for commercialization. We categorize these projects into three distinct timelines: long-term projects for those at the early stages, mid-term projects for those in the mid stages, and short-term projects for those at low readiness levels. This structured approach enables us to systematically develop innovative solutions while addressing the unique challenges and opportunities at each phase of technological maturity. Additionally, it will assist stakeholders in evaluating new technologies or products for specific applications and provide training in specific application areas.

Technology development will primarily occur at the Center for Non-Destructive Evaluation (CNDE), situated at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IIT-M). This dynamic center is renowned for its supportive ecosystem that fosters innovation and collaboration. Furthermore, CNDE hosts several spinoff organizations that can assist in the commercialization of technology.

The Board members of NCNDE will identify key issues that require attention. Industry experts and the International Advisory Committee will offer guidance on the direction of technological development.

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